Qatar Townscape and Architectural Guidelines
State of Qatar
Ministry of Municipality, Qatar
Plot Area:
Applicable to the entire State of Qatar
Delivered & Part of Qatar National Master Plan (QNMP)
The Qatar Townscape & Architecture Guidelines (QTAG) prepared by AEB, for Ministry of Municipality, Qatar are part of Qatar National Master Plan, and applicable to the entire State of Qatar.
These guidelines forms the blue print for the future development and are intended to be used by the various participants involved in the design process, as a guide for designers, landowners, and business owners involved in designing new buildings or façade improvements, as well as a tool by the MME when evaluating development applications and when reviewing incentive program applications, should they be offered.
The Qatar Townscape & Architecture Guidelines (QTAG) for the townscape corridors are meant to provide design guidance with the understanding that they are to be applied on a case-by-case basis street-wide as the specific situation warrants, and not as a “checklist” in that every guideline applies, as such the application of guidelines could be measured as : required outcome, desired outcome and acceptable outcome.
The Qatar Townscape & Architecture Guidelines (QTAG) is not be an exhaustive exercise; rather it will be powerful guidelines with priority set to include the priority scale of façade improvement. This will be used by the Governing Authority to propose an intervention with incentive scheme. The Architectural Façade Guidelines is strategically dedicated for the un-developed land or under developed buildings, as well as existing buildings worth adjustment and/or beautification, following the guiding principle of urban form framework of the corridor to be defined within this exercise.
The Qatar Townscape & Architecture Guidelines (QTAG) also provides an opportunity to exercise Placemaking Along The Corridors. The objective of the Façade Design Guidelines is to Create the Grammar & Punctuation of Qatari Identity in Façade Development, with the ultimate goal of establishing: